All New 60 Card Playing Card Deck!

Playing Cards + 8 New Cards!

Original 52 Cards + 4 Princesses + 4 Dukes + 4 Jokers

Play Games with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 players

The Fractal Cards deck introduces two original face cards into the standard playing card deck for a new total of 60 cards. This is specifically designed for playing some of your favorite games with more people! For example, beloved games such as Bridge, Hearts, Spades, A**Hole, and Nertz require four players. Have you ever wanted to play any of these games with 3, 5, or 6 people? With the two newly-designed face cards, Princess and Duke, you can now play the same classic games with any number of players!

The Cards

New Princess and Duke Cards!

By adding two new royal members to the traditional card deck, it adds a new spin to your old card game favorites!  It allows easier game play for groups of 3, 5 and 6 people, turning a traditional 52 deck of cards into a 60 card deck.


Play the Classics




Spite and Malice


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